Gujarat HC Recruitment: Apply for 219 Vacancies for Civil Judge check here
Gujarat High Court has invited applications for recruitment to the post of Civil Judge. Apply by 2nd March.
Gujarat HC Recruitment: Apply for 219 Vacancies for Civil Judge check here
Gujarat High Court Recruitment: Gujarat High Court has invited applications for the post of Civil Judges. The online process of submission of application was started from February 3 and the last date for submission of application is March 2. Interested candidates may apply online through the official website of Gujarat High Court at
Starting date for submission of Online Application 03/02/2022 (12.00 noon)
Closing date for submission of Online Application 02/03/2022 (23:59 Hrs.)
Tentative Schedule
Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test)
Test of Gujarati Language
[For those candidates, who have not passed Secondary as well as Higher Secondary with subject of Gujarati (Higher Level at both stages)]-- 15/05/2022 (Sunday)
Main Written Examination-- 17/07/2022 (Sunday)
Vivavoce Test (Oral Interview)-- 09/10/2022 (Sunday)
Gujarat HC Recruitment Vacancy Details:
This recruitment drive is being conducted to fill up 219 vacancies out of which 112 vacancies are for General Category, 15 Vacancies are for SC Category, 33 Vacancies are for ST Category, 59 Vacancies are for Social and educationally backward classes. And 9 vacancies are for physically handicapped people.
Gujarat HC Recruitment Age Limit:
As on the last date fixed for submission of Online Application, a candidate belonging to General Category must not have crossed the age of 35 years and others i.e. in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or Socially & Educationally Backward Classes, declared as such by the Government of Gujarat, as well as Disabled Persons (PH) & ExServicemen, must not have completed 38 years of age.
The employees working in the Courts or other Allied Departments shall be allowed on a uniform basis, relaxation of a maximum period of 05 years or to the extent of equal number of years for which service has been put in by him/her, whichever is less, in the upper age limit.
However, in any case, the Upper Age Limit for such Candidate under any Category shall not exceed 40 years, as on the last date of submitting the ‘Online Application’.
Note: In view of the Government in General Administrative Department Resolution No. CRR/11/2021/450900/G.5, dated 14/10/2021, it has been decided by the High Court to grant Age Relaxation of 01 Year in upper AgeLimit in the instant Recruitment Process.
Gujarat HC Recruitment Application Fee:
The application fee for General Category is ₹1000. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes, Physically Handicapped Persons (PH), and Ex-Servicemen categories will have to pay Rs 500 as application fee.
How to Apply: Gujarat HC Recruitment
- Visit the official website of Gujarat HC link given below.
- On the home page, click on the link which reads "Direct Recruitment in the Cadre of Civil Judge (2022) (April 2-March-2022)"
- Click on Apply Online
- Fill up the application form
- Pay the Application Fee
- Keep a copy of the same with you for future reference.
Apply Link: Click Here
Download PDF Notification: Gujarat HC Recruitment: Apply for 219 Vacancies